Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellowship
The Department of Electrophysiology and Pacing is an active academic clinical service. We provide hands-on training in all aspects of invasive electrophysiology, including catheter ablation of SVT, AF and VT and cardiac implantable electronic device implantation. Our unit performs 100 AF ablations, and 30 VT ablations per annum. We have access to two electrophysiology laboratories, and our labs use the Ensite X, CARTO v7 and Rhythmia mapping systems
Our fellows are involved in all aspects of clinical care of arrhythmia patients from outpatient management, inpatient care, as well as procedural clinical cardiac electrophysiology.
We also have an active academic program in AF and VF research providing prospective EP Fellows opportunities for basic and clinical research. Flinders Heart Rhythm Research has active funding from NHMRC/NHF and MRFF. Postgraduate study at Flinders University (PhD) concomitant with EP fellowship can be arranged and is actively encouraged for EP Fellows in our unit.
For further information, please contact
For further information, please contact
Our EP fellows regularly attend and present at major local and international meetings including the CSANZ, Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society, and Heart Rhythm Society meetings.

Previous Fellows
1. Dr Andrew Gavin
Dr Gavin was an EP fellow at Flinders 2010-2011. He is currently the clinical lead of Heart Rhythm management at North Shore Hospital in Auckland where he has advanced the CIED service to include ICD and CRT implantation. He also plays an active role in the regional EP service based at Auckland City Hospital.
2. Dr Andrew Liu
Dr Liu was an EP Fellow at FMC in 2005. Dr Liu is currently Director of Cardiology, St John of God Hospital, in Perth WA. Dr Liu has played a key role in the development of clinical cardiac electrophysiology in Western Australia. He established the Heart Rhythm Unit at Fremantle Hospital, and has a had major roles in the development of electrophysiology services at St John of God and Fiona Stanley Hospitals.
3. Dr Waheed Ahmad
Dr Waheed Ahmad was an EP Fellow at FMC from 2016-17. Dr Ahmad trained in cardiology at John Hunter Hospital, before electrophysiology fellowship at Flinders Medical Centre. After his period at FMC, Dr Ahmad went on to further EP fellowship at Cleveland Clinic, USA. He obtained additional training in all aspects of catheter ablation, and device extraction. He returned to Australia in He is currently a staff specialist electrophysiologist at Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane Queensland.
4. Dr Rahul Samanta
Dr Rahul Samanta trained in cardiology at Westmead Hospital, Sydney Australia, before undertaking electrophysiology fellowship at Flinders Medical Centre in 2017-18. He went on to further electrophysiology training at University Hospital, Toronto, Canada. Dr Samanta has special interests in the management of arrhythmia in adult congenital heart disease, and practises at Warringal Hospital, Melbourne.
5. Dr Anand Ganesan
Dr Anand Ganesan obtained his PhD in cardiac electrophysiology at Johns Hopkins University, USA, before training in cardiology at Westmead Hospital, Sydney Australia. Following his cardiology fellowship, Dr Ganesan obtained further training in electrophysiology at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and University of Adelaide. Dr Ganesan was an electrophysiology fellow at Flinders Medical Centre in 2015. He has been a clinical academic electrophysiologist at Flinders Medical Centre since 2016, and as well as clinical practice leads electrophysiology research at Flinders.
6. Dr Anandaroop Lahiri
6. Dr Anandaroop Lahiri
Dr Anandaroop Lahiri trained in Cardiology in India at the Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. He then went on to undertake electrophysiology fellowship at the Flinders Medical Centre, Bedford Park, South Australia, where he trained in electrophysiology and devices between the years 2018 and 2021. He is currently working as a cardiac electrophysiologist with the Cardiology Arrhythmia services at the Flinders Medical Centre. Dr Lahiri has special interests in complex mapping and the implantation of resynchronisation devices.